Success Is An Internal Job First

Mindset Coach & Business Strategist

I’m here to help you step into alignment and create the personal and professional life you’ve dreamt of because the Life, Business, and Relationships you desire are not only possible, it is closer than you think.


We've been sold the idea, Hustle Harder, because it’s the way to achieve our desired life. However, we are starting to realize that this mentality is neither sustainable nor bringing the quality of life we ultimately want.

In 'The Aligned Life,' Rebekah Dani delves into the heart of American achievement culture, uncovering the underlying causes of burnout and dissatisfaction with life. Rebekah reveals how our relentless hustle and constant activity stem from a deep lack of awareness, purpose, and a disconnect from our true intuitive selves.

This transformative guide provides powerful insights for healing, leading a more sustainable life, and finding alignment. It shows how changing your mindset can lead to true, lasting success. Through practical advice and thought-provoking revelations, Rebekah empowers you to let go of what's holding you back so you can fully engage in both your personal and professional life.

"The Aligned Life" is more than just a book—it's a call to action for anyone ready to break free from the cycle of overachievement and embrace a life of purpose, awareness, and fulfillment. Join the movement towards a more balanced, meaningful, and aligned existence.

In your business, relationships, finances, career, health, and overall life…what do you dream of? Now, ask yourself “What’s the one thing holding me back from creating this?”

For me, it was a misalignment between my body, soul, and spirit caused by past trauma and subconscious programming. This kept me stuck for years in cycles and patterns of self-sabotage in almost every area of my life. Repeated disappointment, frustration, and burnout was my norm, and I was constantly questioning, ‘what is wrong with me?’ If this sounds familiar at all…



Being (who you need to be) and doing (what you need to do) are prerequisites for having what you want to have. Get clear on who you’re committed to being in order to take your life, business, health, marriage, etc. to the next level and beyond.”

— Jeff Sooey

Rebekah here,

I’ve been helping people step into more healthy, aligned, fulfilled, and abundant lives for more than ten years.

What proved to be true over and over was that trying to put new behaviors, habits, and methods on top of old limited beliefs produced the same results. Only when we addressed the underlying mindsets and beliefs behind behavior did the outcomes change.

Seeing this in my life and the lives of my clients caused me to want to learn more, as I continued my training and education I went from just consulting people on how to build successful businesses to helping them design successful and aligned lives.

My approach is holistic because we are whole beings: body, soul, and spirit. To truly create the lives, businesses, and relationships we desire it must come from alignment of our whole selves. This is when true transformation and success happen.

If that is what you desire, you are in the right place my friend.

It’s all possible, but it comes down to what you believe and who you choose to be.

remember this:


Breaking Limiting Beliefs

Learn my 5 step process for identifying the core beliefs limiting you from experiencing life as you desire and replace them with ones based on who you are and what’s truly available for you.

Listen in as Rebekah Dani, Mindset Expert & Business Strategist, talks about achieving success through alignment in all areas of life; health and wellness, business and career, money and finances, relationships, faith and spirituality, and overall well-being.

Hear from her and like-minded guests as they speak openly and honestly about the courage, failure, victory, disappointment, and many other aspects of pursuing the life you desire to live. Receive tangible tips and strategies, inspiration, hope, and empowerment for stepping outside of lack and limitation in all areas of your life and achieving the life and dreams you desire.

Listen & Subscribe.

“To make profound changes in your life, you need either inspiration or desperation.” 

Anthony Robbins

Working Together

If you are ready to step into alignment in your personal and professional life it’s time to take action. Explore the different ways we can work together.